How To Show Comment Box Below Post for WP-Polaroid Blogger Template

This item was filled under

For you who are using WP-Polaroid Blogger Template on your blog, there is a problem when we want to show comment box under post. I found a broken link comment, so other people can't leave us comment on our posts. Is it a problem? Ho..ho..ho..of course. Without comment box, we can't interect with our blog visitors. Cause of it is some stucture was lose from the template. The function of that structure is to show the comment text box. Here are steps to fix that problem:
  1. First, login to your dashboard, click text link Layout, and go to sub menu Edit HTML.
  2. Give sign in small box inside text "Expand Widget Templates".
  3. Find the structure below:

    <div id='backlinks-container'>
    <div expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + "_backlinks-container"'>
    <b:if cond='data:post.showBacklinks'>
    <b:include data='post' name='backlinks'/>

  4. Add this structure above the structure which you found in step 3.

    <p class='comment-footer'>
    <b:if cond='data:post.embedCommentForm'>
    <b:include data='post' name='comment-form'/>
    <b:if cond='data:post.allowComments'>
    <a expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl'

  5. Click SAVE TEMPLATE button
To embed comment box below post, we must do it from blogger draft account, because this feature is still release on Bloger in draft. Blogger in draft is a special version of Blogger where the Blogger try out new features before the Blogger release them to everyone.
  1. Go to the link : to enter Blogger in draft.
  2. On your dashboard, click text link: Settings, and then go to sub menu: Comments.
  3. On part of Comment Form Placement, chose Embedded below post
  4. Click SAVE SETTING button.

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9 komentar on "How To Show Comment Box Below Post for WP-Polaroid Blogger Template"

  • Hi. I saw your reply to another person on the Polaroid template download page and I'm having problems with getting this template installed. I keep getting an error message that says HTML isn't an ok title for HTML or something similar to that, I know the full error is in my comment on that page. Is there any way that you can help me?
  • @creativechaos: i'm sorry a can't understand your problem details. Would you tell me the details of your problem? is it about uncomplete structure or unclosed tag? I suggest you to edit your template on notepad first,and then copy paste it into your box template on edit html page of your blogger. may be there is wrong code that you copied.
  • April 16, 2009 at 11:28 PM
    Thank you so much!!
  • @Tricia L Chaves:
    you are welcome..^_^
  • April 23, 2009 at 1:32 PM
    HelNes, I actually am having a problem with this code. Whenever I put it in my layout, it allows for comments but then my blog has a 3" space between the header and the first post/ads. Any ideas? I'm following the instructions exactly. Please help! Thanks, Tricia
  • Thanx ^^
  • Btw, waktu pake wordpress, kan bisa create page, jadi bisa buat link untuk arahin ke page. Di template wp-polaroid kan bagian atasnya ada link² : Home, About Me, Another Page, Advertise, Contact, Sitemap. Bisa buat page ga yah, di blogspot, trus di link² yang di atas itu diarahin ke page yang udah dibuat.

    Blog saya :

    Mohon pencerahannya. Thanx
  • Sorry, should I post in English? I'll translate it.
    Btw, when I use wordpress, I can create pages there, so I can make a link that directs to the page. On the wp-polaroid tamplate, at the upper side, there are links : Home, About Me, Another Page, Advertise, Contact, Sitemap. Can I make page in blogspot, so that I can direct the links at the upper side to the page?

    My blog :

  • @Stevan Luck:
    Menu-menu pada template wp-polaroid tersebut memamng digunakan untuk mengarah ke halaman (page) tertentu. Di wordpress kita mmg bisa membuat page tunggal. page tunggal ini berbeda dengan posting. page tunggal pada wordpress bisa dilihat dengan mengklik menu yang ter-create pada saat membuat page. sedangkan posting akan muncul secara berurutan dengan posting-posting yang lain. nah, pada blogspot, kita tidak bisa membuat halaman tunggal seperti wordpress (tidak bisa membuat page). tapi, setiap postingan kan bisa di buka pada halaman penuh. misalnya halaman yang sedang kita buka sekarang (how to show comment box ...". menu-menu pada wp-polaroid itu bisa dilink kan untuk membuka halaman penuh seperti yang sedang kita buka sekarang. Anda bisa melihat URL dari halaman ini pada address bar browser Anda. URL itulah yang digunakan untuk link pada menu yang ada di wp-polaroid jika ingin menampilkan halaman ini.

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